an avatar of the software developer that made the page. Their avatar is Loid Forger from SpyxFamily.

Hello, my name is

Lukas MacMillen.

Software & UX Developer.

My code emphasizes concision and efficiency, and my development style is calm and collected. On a team, I hope to be your go to UX developer, and I work best when paired with UI-savy developers. I love to teach and connect with my peers, and I am currently looking for a software developer position that can help me grow as both a mentor and developer.


(hover for detials)

The spotlight project in the portfolio. The image shows a cheat-sheet website for CSS snippets.

CSS Snippet Cheat Sheet

I made this CSS Snippet Cheat Sheet from scratch during the first week of my coding bootcamp. It was my first time coding with flexbox in CSS, and I learned a lot! I'm proud that just a few days after my flexbox introduction I was able to make this portfolio page from scratch.

A placeholder image for future projects to populate. The placeholder image is another avatar for Lukas. Here it is him in a home garden with a cat.

Coming Soon!

In the meantime, enjoy the cute picture!

A placeholder image for future projects to populate. The placeholder image is another avatar for Lukas. Here it is him in a home garden with a cat.

Coming Soon!

In the meantime, enjoy the cute picture!

A placeholder image for future projects to populate. The placeholder image is another avatar for Lukas. Here it is him in a home garden with a cat.

Coming Soon!

In the meantime, enjoy the cute picture!